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Archive for the category “Abogado de Accidente”

Abogado de Accidente

When you live in a metropolis like New York City, being able to communicate in different languages is a plus. This is a great blog ” Spanish4lawyer”.  Serving our Spanish speaking clients is very important. Spanish speaking attorneys (Abogado de Accidente) can be a huge asset to accident victims who only speak Spanish. Communicating with your clients is the key to success.  Our law firm has on-staff Spanish speaking interpreters.


This is a blog to assist attorneys who want to better communicate with their Spanish speaking clients.  In the last set of entries, we have been learning sentences that a personal injury or workers’ compensation attorney can use in the initial consultation with a client.  We have also been studying some of the body parts that are often injured in an accident.  Now that we have determined what was injured, we need to find out some information so that we can order medical reports.  If your client was taken to the hospital, then you want to review any paperwork your client obtained.  Here is a question to request that paperwork.

In English:  “Do you have the discharge papers from the hospital?”

In Spanish:  “Tiene los papeles de descargo del hospital?”

Let’s go over some of the Spanish words in this question.  “Tiene” means, in this question, “do you have?”  …

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